The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) is a combat support agency under the United States Department of Defense and a member of the United States Intelligence Community,[8] with the primary mission of collecting, analyzing, and distributing geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) in support of national security.
The Challenge:
NGA recently deployed multiple server environments of the Atlassian Tool Suite, namely Jira Software and Confluence to support teams across the organization. An open solicitation was released over FBO for the training of the Atlassian Tool Suite by a certified training organization. Ascend bid, and won the training contract working with NGA. NGA was requiring the development of both basic and advanced training courses along with evaluations and certifications.
The Solution:
Ascend developed custom training for Jira and Confluence, which incorporated aspects of Agile project management. Ascend provided on-site and remote training capabilities with NGA, which included customized training slide decks, labs and exercises, and training certificates. Ascend worked with NGA leadership as well to help plan continued deployment and implementation of the Atlassian Tool Suite leading to widespread adoption across the agency.
Ascend successfully provided over 50 trainings to the NGA and continues to support the NGA with multiple successful engagements around the Atlassian Tool Suite, including advanced training and development.