Harvard Medical School (HMS) – Boston Children’s Hospital is a 395-bed comprehensive center for pediatric health care. As one of the largest pediatric medical centers in the United States, Children’s offers a complete range of health care services for children from birth through 21 years of age. Children’s records approximately 24,943 inpatient admissions each year, and our 228 specialized clinical programs schedule more than 557,620 visits and have performed 26,534 surgical procedures.
The Challenge:
Boston Children’s uses Atlassian Jira for tracking and managing of Service Desk items and software development. The system needed to be upgraded to the latest Enterprise Jira release, along with updated add-ons and configurations.
The Solution:
Boston Children’s uses Atlassian Jira for tracking and managing of Service Desk items and software development. The system needed to be upgraded to the latest Enterprise Jira release, along with updated add-ons and configurations.
Ascend continues to successfully support HMS – Boston Children’s Hospital by developing customizations to their current Atlassian Tool environment.