While the JASIG team created an excellent entry, we wanted to build on its success by adding easy-to-find download links, updated XML entries, and some additional details or directories / locations. This entry includes details on integrating with JIRA 7.x running on a Linux-based server.
The five steps we are covering here include:
- Shutdown JIRA + Know your File Locations
- Copy the JAR Files
- Modify web.xml
- Modify seraph-config.xml
- Start JIRA
While this is meant to be an overview and will help in getting your JIRA to communicate with your CAS system, it is not meant to be a full setup of CAS, or a full JIRA configuration / set up as well. This article is for semi-advanced users and administrators. But, with that said if you have any questions as you go through it, please feel free to reach out to us: info@ascend.zellecloud.com.
Step 1: Shutdown JIRA + Know your File Locations
First, make sure JIRA is shut down.
All files discussed here will exist in the following locations (note, JIRA_INSTALL by default is set to the /opt/atlassian/jira/atlassian-jira/ directory). The list of the files to be modified / copied are below as well as their locations:
- seraph-config.xml: JIRA_INSTALL/WEB-INF/classes
- CAS Client for Java Core: JIRA_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib (needs to be copied here)
- CAS Client for Java Atlassian Integration (for JIRA 7): JIRA_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib
You can download the updated CAS clients (v3.3) that will be used along with the Jira7 JAR files from our Bitbucket repository here (download both files): https://bitbucket.org/mbrown_ascend/jira-cas-integration/downloads/
Step 2: Copy the JAR Files
After you have downloaded the files above (CAS Client for Java Core v3.3.3 + CAS Client for Java Atlassian Integration v3.5), copy both of these JAR files both into the JIRA_INSTALL/WEB-INF/lib/ file directory.
Step 3: Modify web.xml
Open up web.xml in your favorite text editor. We used VIM for most of these modifications. Around line 374, just above the “THIS MUST BE THE LAST FILTER IN THE DEFINED CHAIN” comment, add the following code (Wherever it says to add your specific information):
<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Filters -->
<param-value> Include your CAS login here </param-value>
<param-value> include your JIRA url here </param-value>
<param-value>Include your CAS login here</param-value>
<param-value>include your JIRA url here</param-value>
<!--- CAS:END -->
<dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher> <!-- we want security/login to be applied after urlrewrites, for example -->
<!-- CAS:START - Java Client Filter Mappings -->
<!-- CAS:END -->
Step 4: Modify seraph-config.xml
Next, you must make the following modifications to the seraph-config.xml file. In your seraph-config.xml file, there should be series of parameters. This is where you will make the modifications. Look at the code below, once again any area below that states “add your CAS URL…” is what you will need to modify.
The login URL to redirect to when the user tries to access a protected resource (rather than clicking on
an explicit login link). Most of the time, this will be the same value as 'link.login.url'.
- if the URL is absolute (contains '://'), then redirect that URL (for SSO applications)
- else the context path will be prepended to this URL
If '${originalurl}' is present in the URL, it will be replaced with the URL that the user requested.
This gives SSO login pages the chance to redirect to the original page
<param-value>add your CAS URL here</param-value>
the URL to redirect to when the user explicitly clicks on a login link (rather than being redirected after
trying to access a protected resource). Most of the time, this will be the same value as 'login.url'.
- same properties as login.url above
<param-value>add your CAS URL here</param-value>
<!-- URL for logging out.
- If relative, Seraph just redirects to this URL, which is responsible for calling Authenticator.logout().
- If absolute (eg. SSO applications), Seraph calls Authenticator.logout() and redirects to the URL
<param-value>add your CAS LOGOUT URL here</param-value>
<!-- CROWD:START - If enabling Crowd SSO integration uncomment the following SSOSeraphAuthenticator and comment out the JiraSeraphAuthenticator below -->
<authenticator class="com.atlassian.jira.security.login.SSOSeraphAuthenticator"/>
<!-- CROWD:END -->
<!-- CROWD:START - The authenticator below here will need to be commented out for Crowd SSO integration -->
<!-- <authenticator class="com.atlassian.jira.security.login.JiraSeraphAuthenticator"/> -->
<!-- CROWD:END -->
<authenticator class="org.jasig.cas.client.integration.atlassian.Jira7CasAuthenticator">
<param-value>include your cas server here</param-value>
<param-value>include your JIRA server URL</param-value>
Step 5: Start JIRA
After you start JIRA instance, go to a browser and type in your JIRA URL. You will be re-directed to your CAS Client.
If you are having issues with your configuration, please reach out to us anytime! We have completed CAS configurations in multiple environments using different versions of CAS. If you have any questions about this blog or about integrating your Atlassian Tool with multiple SSOs, send us an email at info@ascend.zellecloud.com.