
The United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) head quartered in Omaha, Nebraska is one of the eleven unified combatant commands in the United States Department of Defense. The command is responsible for strategic deterrence, global strike, and operating the Defense Department’s Global Information Grid. It also provides a host of capabilities to support the other combatant commands, including integrated missile defense; and global command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR).

The Challenge:

USSTRATCOM was looking to stand up multiple Docker containers for rapid deployment of the Atlassian products (Jira, Confluence, Bitbucket, Crowd, and FishEye/Crucible). System administrators were unfamiliar with the products and the underlying technical stack comprising each of the products and their capabilities. Ascend was called in to help provide an overview of containerization deployment of the applications using Docker and Kubernetes.

The Solution:

Ascend worked with USSTRATCOM onsite in Omaha providing hands on support and analysis of the Atlassian Tool Suite and its deployment capabilities across multiple low and high side environments. Following the onsite support, Ascend continued to support USSTRATCOM remotely through secure virtual meetings and conferences, and coordinating calls between USSTRATCOM and Atlassian directly.


Ascend successfully helped to guide USSTRATCOM in their overall strategy and implementation of the pilot Atlassian Tool deployment. The Atlassian Tool Suite is still supported by Ascend working with USSTRATCOM as the products continue to be used across multiple teams and environments.