USMC Analytics Dashboard


The USMC is a truly global fighting force and serves as an expeditionary force-in-readiness. Their three primary responsibilities, as outlined in the National Security Act of 1947 are as follows:

  • The seizure or defense of advanced naval bases and other land operations to support naval campaigns;
  • The development of tactics, technique, and equipment used by amphibious landing forces in coordination with the Army and Air Force; and
  • Such other duties as the President may direct.

The Challenge:

Over the course of warfare, the USMC has used a series of documents and manuals detailing the items such as counter-insurgency, landing operations, and equipment manuals. These documents are important references for the USMC. The USMC needed a method to effectively track, monitor, and manage the development, updating, and publishing of these documents.

The Solution:

Ascend Integrated, working with its small business partners, developed a policy and documentation tracking prototype. This tool enabled users to view policy requirements, assignee statuses, and the lifecycle for policy updates. The tool also contained a dashboard, allowing users to visually monitor document updates. Ascend Integrated developed the interactive dashboard and prototype tracking tool utilizing many open source technologies, including REST, JSON, HTML Foundation, JavaScript and Google development tools.


The tool has garnished respect and positive feedback from many potential users and contractors. Ascend Integrated is continuing to work to make the tool a success for its clients!